Cyberdefenders - Insider

- Category : Digital Forensics
- SHA1SUM : d820264d825fdaeb2146bf7b4c4e03684e700007
- Published : May 25, 2021
- Author : Champlain College
- Size : 83 MB
- Tags : Disk Linux FTK Kali
Uncompress the challenge (pass:
After Karen started working for ‘TAAUSAI,’ she began to do some illegal activities inside the company. ‘TAAUSAI’ hired you as a soc analyst to kick off an investigation on this case.
You acquired a disk image and found that Karen uses Linux OS on her machine. Analyze the disk image of Karen’s computer and Réponse the provided questions.
- FTK Imager
Q1 - What distribution of Linux is being used on this machine?
Réponse : kali
Q2 - What is the MD5 hash of the apache access.log?
var > log > apache2
. Faites un clic droit et exportez la liste de hachage pour le acces.log
Réponse : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Q3 - It is believed that a credential dumping tool was downloaded? What is the file name of the download?
Path : root > Downloads
Réponse :
Q4 - There was a super-secret file created. What is the absolute path?
In the bash_history
we find :
Réponse : /root/Desktop/SuperSecretFile.txt
Q5 - What program used didyouthinkwedmakeiteasy.jpg during execution?
Still in bash_history
Réponse : binwalk
Q6 - What is the third goal from the checklist Karen created?
Path : /root/Desktop/Checklist
Réponse : Profit
Q7 - How many times was apache run?
Path : var > log > apache2
. Apache logs are empty
Réponse : 0
Q8 - It is believed this machine was used to attack another. What file proves this?
Path : /root/irZLAohL.jpeg
Réponse : irZLAohL.jpeg
Q9 - Within the Documents file path, it is believed that Karen was taunting a fellow computer expert through a bash script. Who was Karen taunting?
Path : /root/Documents/myfirsthack/firstscript_fixed
Réponse : Young
Q10 - A user su’d to root at 11:26 multiple times. Who was it?
We can find that information in auth log
Réponse : postgres
Q11 - Based on the bash history, what is the current working directory?
The last cd
instruction In the bash_history
was :
Réponse : /root/Documents/myfirsthack/